Tuition Pledge Programs

    Heart of Detroit logo

    For more than 150 years, Wayne State University has pledged to provide access to higher education in our community. We're proud of our connection and commitment to the city of Detroit — the place we call home — and we're honoring that relationship with an opportunity that puts a Wayne State education within reach for all Detroit students.

    The Heart of Detroit Tuition Pledge offers free tuition for 2025 graduates of Detroit high schools or Detroit residents earning a high school diploma in 2025. With the Heart of Detroit Pledge, students will have zero out-of-pocket expenses for tuition and standard fees for up to four years of full-time study at Wayne State.

    Heart of Detroit builds on programs such as Detroit Promise and Warrior Way Back to expand opportunities to Detroit youth. That's Warrior Strong.

    Although FAFSA completion is required, financial need is not a requirement to receive the award. If any student needs help completing the FAFSA, they should reach out to the Office of Student Financial Aid to speak with a financial aid officer or sign up to attend one of our FAFSA events.


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