Group Visit Request Form

    Group visits are scheduled for 8 or more college-bound students, educational organizations, and other special visitors. Due to the significant interest in group tours, we limit schools/organizations to one visit per academic semester.

    Winter Semester Availability: 

    Group visits are offered on the following dates and times during the winter semester:
    Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m.
    Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. 

    Guest Count
    We can accommodate groups of up to 40 guests total (including students and chaperones) for a tour on campus. 

    Chaperone Requirement 
    Each visiting group must provide one adult chaperone for every 20 students. Chaperones must accompany the group on the walking tour and are responsible for supervising their group throughout the visit. If a group arrives without the required number of chaperones, the campus tour will be canceled.

    Lunch Options
    While the Office of Admissions does not provide meals for group visits, there are great dining options at Wayne State University:

    • Groups can purchase lunch vouchers at one of dining halls. Vouchers are approximately $11.50 per person. Contact Catering directly at or create an account at
    • Groups can purchase lunch individually in the Student Center Building with credit or debit card (WSU is cashless). Visit to view options. 

    Cancellation Notice
    Please provide at least 48 hour notice when canceling a group visit. You can cancel by contacting 313-577-9502 or emailing
